Monday 27 October 2014

Book Trailers


Have you been to the Movies lately? Along with the choc-tops and the popcorn one of the most anticipated parts of the experience is the Movie Trailers which promote upcoming movies. They are always fast paced, engaging and designed to get you to decide what you’ll come back to see next.

Book Trailers are similar to Movie Trailers. They combine text and images with a music soundtrack and visual effects such as zooming and fading to create a dynamic presentation suitable for the internet.They are being embraced by authors and the publishing industry as a way of promoting the latest books for adults as well as kids. Here is an example published by Harper Collins.


So why not engage your students in promoting their own favorite books via their own trailers? Making Book Trailers is a great way for students to really engage deeply with a text and use their creativity with technology as well. Not only that it provides a unique opportunity for other kids to learn about new titles by watching them. Here is a sample created with Animoto designed to promote  "Magpie"  by Luke Davies



Remember your purpose is to persuade other students to read your favourite bookStudents can use a range of tools to create their Book Trailers including Animoto, Keynote or Perhaps the most supportive tool is iMovie which has its own Trailer templates for students to use.


ANALYSE THE BOOK - what was good, unique, interesting about your book. List/brainstorm/mindmap your impressions, feeling, important points.

RESEARCH OTHER BOOK TRAILERS that are similar to what you would like to do. Preview some from this wiki or search for book trailers on YouTube or Teacher Tube . Decide what you like and don’t like.

SCRIPTING & STORYBOARDING Write a SCRIPT and/or create a storyboard.

GATHER YOUR RESOURCES - images, sounds, sound effects or video.

Decide which ICT tool you will use for delivering your trailer

eg Powerpoint; Keynote; Windows MovieMaker; iMovie, Animoto

Plan effects (transitions, sound, colouring, etc). Try DANOSONGS for some free music

CREATE: Review the plan – with teachers, other students and create the trailer

SHARE: Some movies can be uploaded directly to a wiki. Alternatively, you can upload to YouTube and then get the embed code if you wish to place it on a wiki or blog.

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